jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011
Nuestra biblioteca crece continuamente con nuevas propuestas de lectura, El silencio se mueve de Fernando Marías, un novela que mezcla narración convencional y cómic, y que ahonda en la reflexión sobre el amor, la verdad, la culpa y la muerte. La rosa de África de Tim Pigott-Smith va del robo de un famoso diamante. El tío de Potts es acusado y éste pedirá ayuda a su pandilla para descubrir el misterio.
Los indígenas americanos tienen su propia interpretación del universo, sus mitos y leyendas, Samuel Feijóo, escritor y poeta se ha encargado de recogerlas en Mitología americana.
Maite Carranza sitúa el comienzo de El espíritu de los hielos en Groenlandia. Una joven inglesa, un capitán de barco, un esquimal y el espíritu de los hielos se encuentran en una noche mágica y juntos emprenderán un fascinante viaje huyendo de un estrafalario antropólogo.
miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011
At quarter to seven, last Friday I was in my house with my family. We were watching a film. Outside in the street it was raining.
Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. I stood up from the sofa and I went towards the door. I looked through the keyhole and I saw a woman with a knife next to a corpse, drops of blood were driping from the knife. I came back to the living room and I told my parents about it.
We phoned the police and when we opened the door, the woman and the corpse weren’t there but the drops of blood were on the floor.
It was a very strange and scary experience.
Marcos Pellicer 2ºF
miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011
On a dark stormy night in October, three kids: Kate, Patrick and John went to an old abandoned mansion called "Watson Manor". They went there because John didin't believe in ghosts, so Kate and Patrick made a bet with him. They dared John to spend one night in "Watson Manor". They went along with him because if he got scared, they would win the bet.
When the kids arrived at the house, the front door openned by itself. Kate and Patrick felt very scared and John was laughing at them. John entered the house first and Kate and Patrick followed him. When they were inside they decided to explore the house. As they were walking up the stairs, they heard a strange noise. When they were entering the bedroom the window slammed shut. John still wasn't afraid, he was laughing again!
Kate and Patrick went running downstairs to the kitchen. When John was walking behind them, the lights began to flicker. The kids ran to the living-room. Kate and Patrick felt very afraid. John was still laughing until Mr. Watson's portrait began to speak...
The portrait said: "Why are you laughing, John? Do you think this is a joke?"
"No" said John. He wasn't laughing anymore. In fact, he looked as if he were about to cry.
"Well, you are wrong", said the portrait.
Then John's big brother stepped out from behind the curtains. It was him the whole time. He was the one playing a joke on John and his friends.
Víctor Mora Manrique 2ºF
Last weekend my friend told me a scary story: “A woman died two years ago. Now, she wears a white and blood red dress and she walks through the city looking for her murderer”.
When my friend told me the story I was afraid but I thought that it wasn’t a true story.
Yesterday night, at twelve o’clock, I was in bed. I was thinking about the story. The house was dark and everybody was sleeping.
Suddenly, I heard a noise. I looked through the window and I saw nothing unusual. There wasn’t anybody in the garden. Then, I looked again and I saw a woman. She was wearing a white and red dress, like the woman in the story. I was very frightened and scared. I shouted and my mother got up.
She came to my bedroom and I told her the story. She looked through the window and she laughed. She said: “The woman was Marie, our neighbor.” My mother was right, she was Marie. Fortunately, nothing was real.
Julia Guerrero Viu 2ºF
Last year, I was on holiday in Santa Ana with my friends. One day, we were camping at the top of a mountain. It was time for lunch, so we stopped there.
We saw a brilliant object that was coming in our direction. When it approached we saw that it was coming in horizontal flight and at a considerable altitude. It was coming to cover in flash. The object crossed above us. It was very big, when it was passing, it exploded in the air. The blast was listened in a lot of villages. All the people saw the light but nobody said anything.
Nobody knew anything, nothing new, nothing else. We came to our homes and we told our friends the strange experience.
Nuria Herrero Cases de 2º F
martes, 22 de marzo de 2011
Acabo de enterarme de que se ha premiado a dos autores de aquí de Zaragoza, Begoña Oro ha recibido por una novela de amor: "Pomelo y limón" el premio SM de narrativa juvenil, su autora dice que en su obra hay tanto amor que se sale del mapa, además parece que utiliza una mezcla de técnicas narrativas novedosas, esperamos que pronto la publiquen y podamos disfrutarla. Por otro lado, Daniel Nesquens ha obtenido este mismo premio pero en la categoria de novena infantil, desde esta página queremos felicitarlo y aún recordamos el entretenido taller de escritura que el curso pasado raelizamos con él.
Las imágenes están tomadas de la revista Babar ( http://revistababar.com/wp/?p=2806, consulta 22/03/2011)
lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011
The Dream
In 1940 a family was in an old hotel. The family had four members: the parents and two children, a boy and a little girl. The boy’s name was Tom and the girl’s name was Mary. I don’t know what the parents’ names were. Their bedroom was number 666.
One night the dad had a strange dream. Next night he said: “Family, I am going to tell you a scary story”. All the family listened to his dream.
-There was a family in a hotel at night when they heard a noise. The whole family was scared, and the door opened.
- What happened? –said Mary.
- You can see now – the dad said.
Mary watched his dad killed her mum and her brother. Finally he died too.
Next morning the police went to the hotel, but the family wasn’t there.
Isabel Ciria ramos de 2º de ESO E
Many years ago one boy and one girl were walking throught the streets of London.They were looking foraplace to sleep, as like all good hotels were ocuppied they decided to sleep in a one lees luxurious hotel. When they were entering, they found some strange things like pictures of clowns or shelves with dolls. Our player were scared but they prefered to sleep there than in the street.
After lunch, they went to sleepto the bedroom. The bedroom was very interesting becouse there were a lot of porcelain dolls. They were asleep when suddanly they listened a noise, a know on the door.They went back to sleep butthey heard the noise again. This time one doll cast them over, she had red eyes and big teeth.
Fifty years later the room was totally prohibited. We don’t knowwhat happened but we know that the boy and the girl never went out of that room.
Eva Espada Gracia
viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011
Animación realizada por la Profesora Marina Frecha, en el curso "La producción audiovisual como estrategia didáctica" en el Portal Educ.ar, 2008
¿Qué es una idea?
Diseño y Animación: Simón Wilches Castro / Idea: Santiago Rocha
Video institucional realizado para la facultad de ingeniería de la Universidad Javeriana. Esta no es la música original pero creo que le luce más Tchaikovsky (a qué no le luce más Tchaikovsky)
¿QUÉ ES UNA IDEA? // WHAT IS AN IDEA? from Simonwilchesc on Vimeo.
Diseño y Animación: Simón Wilches Castro / Idea: Santiago Rocha
Video institucional realizado para la facultad de ingeniería de la Universidad Javeriana. Esta no es la música original pero creo que le luce más Tchaikovsky (a qué no le luce más Tchaikovsky)
jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011
Esta excelente página creada por la Junta de Castilla León nos ofrece la posibilidad de escuchar cuentos y de crear nuestras propias historia, ENTRA es muy entretenida.
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