viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2009


Hoy damos la bienvenida al primer comentario de un libro en inglés. Ramiro Zambrana de 1º de ESO nos habla de Island for sale de Anne Collins

Once upon a time there was a man. He was called Duncan and he lived in Scottish island. One day he received a letter from the electricity company. It was an electricity bill of £ 5000 and he didn’t have the money so and he decided to sell the island. But nobody wanted the island. Once he saw a woman, she was painting. He had on idea, he is going to rent the island to painters. Finally he had the money.
The main characters is Duncan: He’s very good person. He loves animals. He wears a Scottish skirt, a t-shirt, and a ….. . He likes walking and he likes catching fish.
I would recommend it. Because this book is very interesting and I love reading English books.

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